Settings location

Friday, September 15, 2006 Once the monitor is loaded to a PC, are the settings in Option specific to that PC or the logged in user? If it is the logged in user, is it the user of the PC or the Misys log in entered? If I load the monitor onto several PC’s in a department, can each PC have a different setting?

The good news is, it can work both ways. If you save settings as the current user, those settings will be applied only to that windows user. It is the windows logon not the Misys that stores the settings. Most all networks transfer these settings when you log on to a different pc. And this is all only if you save settings as the current user. You can also save settings as “All users”. Unfortunately this only applies to the pc you are working on. There is no way to apply the settings to all users across the network. All users who logon to that particular pc will immediately have their settings already in place. Any user who wants specific settings can still do so with their logon. You can also export your settings to a .reg file. You could save this file and then import it when you install the program to a new pc, and it would not require much setup. Exporting settings is also a good for backing up before you make a lot of setting changes.