Multiple TAT color codes

January 04, 2007
OK … I got OL_Monitor installed at one of our hospitals. I need to know IF the following can be done, and if YES … how to set it up:

The staff wants specific order codes: TROP, CKMB, HCG to turn YELLOW @ 30 Minutes; RED @ 45 Minutes
AND, they want ALL OTHER order codes to: turn YELLOW @ 20 Minutes; RED @ 30 Minutes

I had to test this but yes you can have the tests change color in the way that you described. The only thing is that you need to define the TAT’s IN A CERTAIN ORDER, for it to behave they way you want it to. What happens is that when a test matches a TAT, the program stops looking at the other TAT’s down the line, so you should have your most restrictive TAT’s defined first on down to the least restrictive. In your case you should define the 45-minute, trop-ckmb-hcg tat first, then the 30 minute, trop-ckmb-hcg second. THen define the 30 minute-all test tat, and finally the 20 minute-all test tat. Here are a few screenshots of how it should look:

First tat – 45 minutes individual tests:

2nd tat – 30 minutes individual tests:

3rd tat – 30 minutes all tests:

4th tat – 20 minutes all tests:

Hope this helps!




