With version 1.77 Ol Monitor is now Windows 7 compatible. To be compatible with Windows 7, the locations of various files (ini file, captured logfiles, error log, and session file) had to be changed. Since changing these locations on existing XP installations might cause problems, Ol Monitor detects the OS and works the same as always if it’s on XP. So you can continue to update your current XP installations without worry. Regarding running OL Monitor in Windows 7: *(In Windows 7 you can enable ‘compatibility mode’ option that tricks a program into thinking it is running in XP. So in Ol Monitor there is an option to override the OS detection in advanced settings. It only seemed fair to give the program an option to know the truth. Actually this was left in for troubleshooting purposes only, I do not recommend overriding OS detection otherwise.)
Running Ol Monitor in Windows 7:
- Here are complete instructions on installing OL Monitor on Windows 7.
- You should not have to enable compatibility mode for Ol Monitor to work.
- You should backup your settings on your existing installation before converting to Windows 7. Backup using: Settings Manager tool , or: Backing up from within OL Monitor
- If you are restoring old settings from an XP installation: Migrating from XP to 7.
- If you are not restoring old settings from and XP installation, the folder paths will not need to be changed.
This is redundant, but here is the link to email about Win 7 compatibility: http://us1.campaign-archive1.com/?u=2b1b01defc2a1b7e3212a7744&id=1d0b83e2a2