UPDATE: Please see the full updated list here: https://us1.campaign-archive.com/home/?u=2b1b01defc2a1b7e3212a7744&id=1d561b4388
If you are new to this list, you may not have gotten these previous emails:
1. Website announcement
2. Jokes 2
3. You know your instrument is a piece of junk when…
4. Macro tutorial online, minor OL Monitor updates
5. Ol Monitor/DragInfo program updates & new feature poll
6. On OL Monitor ‘not working’ with 6.4.
7. OL Monitor Budget n Bugfixes
8. Testers needed for pending log module
9. Pending log module ready
10. Windows 7, HRP, and new field.
11. 2 new Ol Monitor-related programs available, more Windows 7 info, and HRP beta.
12. Ol Monitor HRP ready, CPL labs added, and some new features.