Copying over classic version to new pc (not upgrading to VIM)

I recently installed three new PCs in one of our labs. The old PCs were running SmarTerm 10.0 which was using for Misys. They had a macro configured to use OL_Monitor. I was not successful moving that macro over to the new PCs which are running SmarTerm 12.0. Do you have any documentation on how to setup that macro or how I can copy files from the old PCs? Thanks in advance for you help!

Along with the wrkgvtcurrent.stm file which should have been in the Smarterm macros directory you also need these files:
Uservt precompiled A current.pcd
Uservt precompiled A current.ppc
Uservt precompiled B current.pcd
Uservt precompiled C current.pcd … <– these are located in the Smarterm program folder in
c:\program files\Esker\Smarterm\StOffice
(this is more or less what it might be, you get the idea)
3 other non-essential files are also in the program files directory:
Gatherer.exe, and
Finally there may be a couple of files in the Smarterm sessions directory: OlMonitor.stw and possibly
OlMon.ini (if it was an older version)
Copy these files back to their respective locations on the new pc. You may find that Smarterm has slightly different folders in the new version, instead of using the Program Files folder to store the Macros and Sessions folders, it puts them in the C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Documents\Smarterm
You may also want to export some registry keys:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Basicscript Program Settings\OlMonitor
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\BasicScript Program Settings\OlMonitor

This will save them from having to setup the whole thing again and believe me it’s no picnic.
On the website there is some information on the registry settings: